Tim habla de los problemas

Mantener la seguridad de Estados Unidos y reforzar la diplomacia

Tim is committed to strengthening America’s national security through a balance of our military, economic, and diplomatic tools. As a member of the Armed Services Committee, Tim is working to ensure that our military has the support and resources it needs to meet its mission and that we are doing all we can to assist veterans in Virginia and across America.

He has worked across the aisle to strengthen our Armed Forces by pushing for funding of top-of-the-line aircraft carriers and submarines, which in turn support Virginia’s shipbuilding economy. In particular, as chairman of the Seapower Subcommittee, he has been the Senate’s foremost leader on the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) agreement, under which the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia will partner on submarine manufacturing and technology in order to match the power of China in the South Pacific. In his position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he’s working to strengthen our diplomatic relationships, mitigate international conflicts, and protect our values of freedom, democracy, and human rights. Tim believes that Congress should reassert our constitutional role in decisions as solemn as whether and when to send our nation’s service members into harm’s way. That’s why he has been the leading voice in demanding that presidents – no matter their party – cannot unilaterally wage war without congressional approval. Last year, the Senate passed his bipartisan bill to ensure just that. It’s also why he led and passed a bipartisan bill to prevent any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO. Additionally, he has been a leader in restoring diplomatic engagement with the Western Hemisphere, checking the influence of China and Russia in the region, and bolstering the economies of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean so prosperity at home can reduce outbound migration.

Proteger nuestro clima

Defender la democracia y el derecho de voto

Apoyo a nuestros militares y veteranos

Invertir en la Virginia rural

Junto a nuestros mayores

Reforzar la educación y las oportunidades laborales

Luchar por la igualdad y la justicia

Prioridad a la seguridad pública

Luchar por las comunidades de inmigrantes

Proteger la frontera

Cumplir con Virginia

Una sanidad más asequible

Protección de los derechos reproductivos

Crear empleo y reforzar nuestra economía

Logotipo de Tim Kaine

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