What They’re Saying: Senator Kaine “Blowout Winner” At Yesterday’s Debate And Showed His Experience In Standing Up For Virginia 

Norfolk State Students Give Hung Cao “F” and “D” Grades For His Abysmal Performance

WFXR Analyst: Senator Kaine Was Clear Winner, Hung Cao Looked Unsure Of Himself

Richmond, VA – The reviews are in, and it is clear Senator Tim Kaine was the “blowout winner” at yesterday’s Norfolk State University debate and showed his experience in standing up for Virginia. 

One analyst said Tim Kaine made the “smart move” to showcase his bipartisan bonafides working across the aisle with Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares. 

In contrast, political analysts panned Hung Cao’s debate performance, saying he was “unsure of himself,” “rehearsed,” and “showed his inexperience.”

Here’s what folks are saying about Senator Kaine’s decisive win and Hung Cao’s abysmal debate performance:

  • WFXR Anchor: “First big question, was there a clear winner?” 
    WFXR Political Analyst Dr. Holt: “Given responses to questions and having more substance to the answers, Senator Kaine.”
    Liberty University Professor Aaron Van Allen: “Senator Kaine was clearly the more experienced candidate tonight. Hung Cao looked very unsure of himself in several of his answers. You could tell that many of the answers that he had given were clearly rehearsed, weren’t delivered very, very well. So I think the clear winner, at least from my perspective, was Senator Kaine tonight.”

  • Liberty University Professor Aaron Van Allen: “Hung Cao just never took the opportunity to actually hit him back on it. Even in other segments where he was given 30, 60 seconds in order to talk about new topics for example, he just never took that opportunity to actually rebuttal any of those claims. So, for example he was talking about in 2023 with regards to comments he made to the Department of Education, Hung Cao never rebut that. It is something that there were numerous missed opportunities by Hung Cao and Senator Kaine ultimately came out victorious in that.” 
  • WFXR Anchor: “Earlier it was widely mentioned that Hung Cao was relatively unknown to the folks of Virginia. Did that move the needle tonight? Did that change?”
    Liberty University Professor Aaron Van Allen: “I don’t think that it did. I think if anything I don’t think that this debate helped him in any way, shape, or form tonight. I think that if anything it showed his inexperience. It showed that Senator Kaine was in fact the more experienced candidate overall. So if it did move the needle in any fashion, it wasn’t one that I would say benefits Hung Cao at all.

  • WVBT Anchor: “While Cao stayed true to the right conservative side during the debate, Kaine made efforts to go to the middle, mentioning collaborating with Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares. Political Analyst Joel Rubin says that was a smart move.” 
    Joel Rubin: “It was very interesting and smart, very smart. Tim Kaine is nothing but smart.”
    WVBT Anchor: “And an experienced politician.” 

  • Cao did not speak to the press after the debate. Wednesday’s event was the only scheduled debate between the candidates this election season after Cao did not commit to a July 20 debate hosted by the Virginia Bar Association at the Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Spring. He also declined to participate in a Sept. 19 debate hosted by the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce.” –Virginian-Pilot
  • Two Norfolk State University students were interviewed after the debate and asked how they would grade Hung Cao and said, “I would give him a F,” while the other students said, “I’d give him a D.” 
  • WAVY Anchor: “Education was the big issue for both of you that you had said to me. Now he has supported closing down the Department of Education. Does that stick with you? Does that play with you?
    NSU Student: “Yeah, I think that is a radical opinion because you can’t take away the Department of Education that is the overall goal center for education in the United States. Virginia is the top state for education, top state for business, top state to raise a child. We have a great education system in Virginia, school system, even higher education. I currently serve on the State Council of Higher Education, which we help make decisions for higher education in Virginia. We see that Virginia is growing in enrollment in higher education. People want to come to Virginia for higher education. You have Virginia Tech, you have Norfolk State, you have James Madison.”

  • “Senator Tim Kaine was the blowout winner in tonight’s debate. It was a masterful display and he had total command of the issues. He spoke of solving problems for everyday hardworking Virginians. He mentioned how he worked with Republican US senators to solve the border issues and immigration. He was the only candidate to talk about reaching across the aisle to work with Governor Youngkin in a bipartisan way on some issues. His opponent never mentioned Youngkin’s name. His opponent wants a national ban on abortion with no exceptions and wants to compensate the January 6th insurrectionists. He has all the cra cra and chaos of Trump without the charisma and humor. We can’t go back.” –Leader Don Scott 
  • “We know Tim Kaine, and we know he has consistently delivered for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Tonight’s debate demonstrated he will keep fighting for Virginia’s families and he will defend our freedoms in the U.S. Senate.” –Congressman Bobby Scott
  • “Tonight’s #VASenateDebate showed that Tim Kaine is a proven leader who has delivered for the American people and fights everyday to ensure no Virginia community is left behind. Hung Cao has no clear plan for Virginians beyond regurgitating MAGA talking points.” –Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan
  • “So proud of Tim Kaine for not only being the adult in the room this evening but for his being such and important force and voice for working families! That’s why I invite you to join me in voting for Kaine and voting early!” –Delegate Cia Price
  • “It was billed as a “debate” but only one person on the stage tonight — Sen. Tim Kaine— actually answered the questions and laid out a positive vision to lift up Virginia families. We are lucky to have you in the Senate, Tim!” –Delegate Phil Hernandez
  • “What a debate! Tim Kaine demonstrated once again why he will continue to stand up for Virginia. From healthcare to education, the difference in vision between him and his opponent couldn’t be starker. We need Tim delivering for us in DC! Let’s keep the momentum going! #TeamKaine” – State Senator Aaron Rouse
  • “All of Virginia watched last night as Tim Kaine took the stage and highlighted how he has delivered for Virginians time and time again. He won the debate and he will win on November 5th. It’s time to reject extremism and send Senator Kaine back to Washington.” –Mayor Levar Stoney
  • “I’m a lifelong Virginia Republican. Hung Cao’s performance in tonight’s U.S. Senate debate—and throughout the campaign—is terrible. Our party should be embarrassed we nominated him. And we need to get serious about supporting substantive, governing, pro-democracy Republicans.” –Reed Howard
  • “After that 1 hour of sheer painful, cringeworthy, secondhand embarrassment, I now fully understand why Hung Cao refused to debate Tim Kaine until this moment and will likely refuse to ever be in the same room with him before election night.” –Virginia Young Democrats President Matt Royer
  • “I got to watch Tim Kaine debate live at Norfolk State University. He made us all proud sharing his values and accomplishments. His opponent rattled off the same tired and divisive MAGA talking points. Sorry Captain Cao – we’re not going back!” –4th CD Chair Alexsis Rodgers
  • “Tim Kaine has been a disciplined, thoughtful, and engaged leader for three decades. I look forward to his reelection, most especially after tonight’s debate.” –State Senator Ghazala Hashmi
  • “You can tell this isn’t the first time Sen. Tim Kaine has been on a big debate stage. His responses are polished & focused. So far, moderators have repeated 3 separate questions to Hung Cao, trying to hold him to respond to the question asked.” –NewsNation Correspondent Joe Khalil
  • WWBT Anchor: “Moderators had to circle back and repeat multiple questions to Hung Cao, trying to elicit a direct response.”
  • “The debate has concluded. Sen. Tim Kaine is expected to participate in some post-debate questions/comments. Hung Cao has opted not to give additional comments tonight.” –WAVY
  • “Congrats to Sen. Tim Kaine on an excellent performance tonight on the debate stage! A big shout-out goes out to Norfolk State for hosting the debate and doing an incredible job of showcasing why NSU is so special.” –Delegate Michael Feggans
  • “Tim Kaine is a true, lifelong public servant. From Richmond City Council to Governor to Senator, he’s always shown up for Virginians. The debate tonight made it clear just how much he’s done for VA – so make sure you vote by November 5th!” –State Senator Russet Perry

And Hung Cao made national news for his bizarre comments: 


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