Tim on the issues

Defending Democracy and the Right to Vote

Dating back to Tim’s time as a civil rights attorney, he’s devoted his entire career to making Virginia a place that provides equal opportunity for everyone. He’s a proud cosponsor of legislation such as the Freedom to Vote Act, which would implement provisions like automatic voter registration, same-day and Election Day voter registration, online voter registration, and no-excuse mail voting.

In the past several years, our democracy has seen unprecedented stress tests — driven by a combination of power-hungry politicians and a disease of bystanderism that has allowed bad-faith actions to prevail. On January 6th, 2021, Tim witnessed firsthand an attempt to rob the American people of their duly elected leaders by overturning a presidential election result. This dark day was a stark reminder of how fragile democracy is and a call for all of us to recommit ourselves to strengthening American democracy.

The strength of our democracy depends on Americans’ ability to make their voices heard, which is why Tim will never stop working to enshrine efforts to safeguard our country from anti-democratic attacks.

Protecting Our Climate

Keeping America Safe and Strengthening Diplomacy

Supporting our Military and Veterans

Investing in Rural Virginia

Standing with our Seniors

Strengthening Education and Workforce Opportunities

Fighting for Equality and Justice

Prioritizing Public Safety

Fighting For Immigrant Communities

Securing The Border

Delivering for Virginia

Making Health Care More Affordable

Protecting Reproductive Rights

Creating Jobs and Strengthening our Economy

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