Tim on the issues

Protecting Reproductive Rights

Right now, women are facing threats to reproductive freedom around the country with new draconian abortion restrictions and extremist legislatures plotting to rip away even more reproductive rights following the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. Virginia is the last state in the South without an extreme abortion ban – and Tim Kaine is fighting in the U.S. Senate to stand up for women across the country so they can make their own health care decisions without interference from out-of-touch politicians.

After an extreme majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Tim got to work to protect reproductive rights and introduced the Reproductive Freedom for All Act, bipartisan legislation that would enact the core holdings of Supreme Court cases, including Roe v. Wade, which established and affirmed the rights to abortion and contraception. When extremists tried to defund Planned Parenthood and jeopardize health care clinics that more than 30,000 Virginians rely on, Tim stood up and helped to block their efforts to restrict reproductive health care. And when then-President Trump issued an executive order to institute the Global Gag Rule, Tim cosponsored legislation to undo this harmful policy that puts millions of women at risk around the world. Tim was also an original cosponsor of legislation to restore contraception coverage in the Affordable Care Act.

Protecting Our Climate

Defending Democracy and the Right to Vote

Keeping America Safe and Strengthening Diplomacy

Supporting our Military and Veterans

Investing in Rural Virginia

Standing with our Seniors

Strengthening Education and Workforce Opportunities

Fighting for Equality and Justice

Prioritizing Public Safety

Fighting For Immigrant Communities

Securing The Border

Delivering for Virginia

Making Health Care More Affordable

Creating Jobs and Strengthening our Economy

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